Some thoughts on programming stuff

Category: Configuration (Page 1 of 2)

Test SharePoint e-mail settings with PowerShell

In case you want to test SharePoint e-mail settings with PowerShell, you can achieve that by sending a dummy e-mail to yourself by running a simple PowerShell script. In this way you can ensure your SMTP settings are good and all SharePoint notifications or coding solutions that send e-mails will work.

It’s important to test it during the configuration of a new Farm. The steps for configuring it can be found on Microsoft docs. Or maybe if you need to troubleshoot the e-mail features in your SharePoint solutions. SharePoint has many automated alerts that work with Workflows, Approval processes and Access control forms.

Electronic e-mail - Test SharePoint e-mail settings with PowerShell
E-mail is a common way to communicate and alert (Wikimedia Commons)

PowerShell script for testing SharePoint e-mail settings

The script is pretty straightforward and you will need to update just two lines. One with the right e-mail going to receive the message and the Site Collection URL that is going to trigger the message.

That’s it! I hope this script can help you when you want to test SharePoint e-mail settings with PowerShell. Also on creating new solutions for monitoring your e-mail settings on the SharePoint farms you happen to work with.

In addition to that, in case you are interested in, you can check other posts featuring PowerShell scripts.

SharePoint diary

Creating Scheduled Azure WebJobs

This blog post will teach you on creating Scheduled Azure WebJobs. The WebJobs are a method to run background tasks in Azure just like Windows Services. These Web Jobs are tied to Azure App Services and can be Continuous or Triggered.

The Continuous type will trigger as soon as it is deployed and can be debugged. Usually the developer controls it’s execution in an endless loop. In adition to that, it runs on all instances that your web app runs. As a draw back, it must have the feature AlwaysOn enabled. Basically, if you have a cheap subscription, you won’t be able to use that.

The Triggered option needs to be triggered manually or scheduled. This execution will only run on one instance of your application. Furthermore, it doesn’t allow remote debugging.

The following file types are supported to be a Web Job, according to Microsoft documentation:

  • .cmd, .bat, .exe (using Windows cmd)
  • .ps1 (using PowerShell)
  • .sh (using Bash)
  • .php (using PHP)
  • .py (using Python)
  • .js (using Node.js)
  • .jar (using Java)

Fortunatelly, what you want is to run a WebJob from time to time using the Triggered type! You will only need to understand CRON expressions to specify the schedule pattern. Please, check this FreeFormatter tool to configure your CRON expression.

According to Oracle, CRON expressions are strings consisting of six or seven subexpressions (fields) that describe individual details of the schedule.

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How to use virtual background in Teams

This blog post will show you how to find the buttons and how to use virtual background in Teams. The virtual background in Teams is a new feature recently added by Microsoft. I don’t know if it’s related to the concurrents being able to that like Zoom, but that’s a thing we can discuss later.

Opening the virtual background options

During a call or a meeting, locate the Teams Control Task Bar and click on the Three dots button:

Teams Control Task Bar - How to use virtual background in Teams
Teams Control Task Bar

A menu will popup! Here you must click on Show background effects to open the options available:

Finding the Show background effects - How to use virtual background in Teams
Finding the Show background effects

Virtual background options in Teams

The background settings available are:

  • No backgroud: just like you are used to;
  • Blur background: it will blur the background, letting it focus only on you;
  • Microsoft images: shows images from the interent to be used by you during your meetings;
  • Custom images: the images will show up in the end of the list based on what JPEG images you’ve put in ” %AppData%\Microsoft\Teams\Backgrounds\Uploads ” folder.

Once you select one of the options, you can hit the Preview button to see how it will look like. Once you are good to go, just click in Apply and the video effect will take place and everyone will enjoy it!

Background settings - How to use virtual background in Teams
Background settings

Setting blur background for Teams

If you are not feeling so creative or your real background is just a mess because you didn’t do your bed, just go for the Blur option:

Blur effect - How to use virtual background in Teams
Blur effect

Setting custom backgrounds for Teams

But if you have some nice background and wanna share with your colleagues just to make the meeting more fun or share a part of your personality, then stick with the custom backgrounds!

First you need to save a good JPEG image file inside a specific folder used by Teams:

Teams folder: %AppData%\Microsoft\Teams\Backgrounds\Uploads

Custom backgrounds folder - How to use virtual background in Teams
Custom backgrounds folder

After that, just reopen the Background effects windows and it will show up just like the image below:

Custom backgrounds in the end - How to use virtual background in Teams
Custom backgrounds in the end

That’s it! I hope you learned how to use virtual background in Teams.

Republic world

Change List Template language to reuse it in another Site with different language

When importing a list template from another Site or Site Collection built in a different language, you may not be able to see it as an App available to add to your site. It happens because SharePoint will look for the List Templates available in the current language for the Web Site. I’ve experienced it recently when migrating a list from a site collection in Portuguese to another site collection in Spanish, that’s why I decided to write this blog post that teaches how to change List Template language to reuse it in another Site with different language

In this post we will give you a PowerShell that may help you on migrating the list easily.

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Notifications for multiple emails in Microsoft Forms

Microsoft Forms is a powerful tool for those who want to create surveys and quizzes, so you can collect data from other people. But if you want to select multiple emails but if you want to send notifications for multiple emails in Microsoft Forms, the task is not that simple since the Forms author will receive them alone.

That’s why I’ve created this post to help you! Empowered by Microsoft Power Automate functionalities, you can easily route those notifications without problems.

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Storage Metrics in SharePoint

If you are managing a SharePoint site and need to find out how much space is it using, this post will help on finding the Storage Metrics in SharePoint. You can access this information easily, but it’s required to have SharePoint Site Collection admin rights.

The SharePoint Site Collection admin rights is able to do a lot of things, he is a real Super User and is more powerful than the Full Control permission level. You can access things like the Storage Quota and manage Site Collection Features that are more advanced and complex.

The task this post teaches how to do is very common administrative task for people who support SharePoint solutions and need to control if a subsite or library is getting bigger and if it needs to a new architecture to allocate and distribute the resources in a better way.

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To export a list you must have a Microsoft SharePoint Foundation-compatible application

SharePoint lists and libraries can be exported to Excel using a out-of-box functionality, but unfortunately SharePoint may present an error message like: To export a list you must have a Microsoft SharePoint Foundation-compatible application.

Putting it in simple words, it’s requiring that you must use Internet Explorer to export the list or you must update your SharePoint site (through a KB or a complete version change) because you are probably using a browser like Chrome or Firefox. . But let’s assume that you don’t have time for that and just want to have the file at that moment? Then we have a quick tip for you! So you finally will get rid of those messages “microsoft sharepoint foundation compatible application” blah blah blah.

The terrible message
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Setup ADFS to secure Web API accessed with Angular

This blog post will guide you on how to Setup ADFS to secure Web API accessed with Angular. The Angular SPA was built in Angular 6 and the Web API is an ordinary .NET Framework Web API that will be secured by our ADFS 2016 implementation. The project implementation will be covered in another post.

The purpose of this post is to provide a step-by-step guide on how to setup the ADFS settings for our needs just like Microsoft and the community did in a post about Building a single page web application using OAuth and ADAL.JS with AD FS 2016.

But if you would like how to implement it in your project, coding and all the stuff, just check our post on Accessing ADFS-secured Web API via Angular SPA.

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How to delete a SharePoint Site Collection

When a Site Collection is not necessary anymore, you may need to delete it. So how to delete a SharePoint Site Collection? This tutorial will guide you on deleting that Site Collection!

But before I start writing in how to do that, it’s important to explain what is a Site Collection if you don’t know exactly what it is! According to Microsoft documentation: “A site collection is a group of websites that have the same owner and share administrative settings, for example, permissions, and quotas. Site collections are created within a web application. When you create a site collection, a top-level site is automatically created in the site collection. You can then create one or more subsites below the top-level site. The entire structure of the top-level site and all its subsites is called a site collection.”

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How to delete a SharePoint site

When a SharePoint subsite is not necessary anymore, you may need to delete it. So how to delete a SharePoint site? This tutorial will help you on deleting that site! Oh, needless to say that you can restore it from the Recycle bin if you want, for a period of time.

Before you advance to the method itself, it’s important to say what is a SharePoint site. There’s a lot of misconceptions between the words Site Collection and Sites. Even the SharePoint Admin interfaces calls a Site Collection as “Site” sometimes.

According to Microsoft documentation the sites objetive can be described like the paragraph below:

“You create sites in your site collection to partition your content so that you can have finer control of the appearance and the permission to the content. You can also have different features available on the various sites in your site collection. You can use a site template with its default configuration, or you can change the site’s default settings through site administration, and then save the site as a new template”.

It’s nice to share that there’s another name to a SharePoint Site from a Dev perspective, we call it a SPWeb.

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